{"id":11578,"date":"2023-03-21T15:21:01","date_gmt":"2023-03-21T19:21:01","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.opus3artists.com\/?page_id=11578"},"modified":"2023-04-14T17:09:44","modified_gmt":"2023-04-14T21:09:44","slug":"rhapsody","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"https:\/\/www.opus3artists.com\/rhapsody\/","title":{"rendered":"Artists Offering “Rhapsody In Blue” Projects & Performances"},"content":{"rendered":"


B\u00e9la Fleck <\/strong>
\nAmerican banjo master and pioneer B\u00e9la Fleck<\/a> has transcribed Rhapsody in Blue<\/em>, featuring his banjo as the solo instrument with orchestra. One of B\u00e9la\u2019s first experiences playing in an orchestra, as a student, was playing the banjo as a rhythm part in Rhapsody, so he is thrilled to explore and celebrate this work in a new way, on his iconic American instrument. \u201cMr. Fleck can lay claim to the title of the most popular living banjoist, having done much to push the instrument beyond the bluegrass terra firma into jazz, classical and beyond” The New York Times<\/em>.
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Aaron Diehl <\/strong>
\nInspired by the \u00adradical artistic statement made by Rhapsody in Blue<\/em>, composer Michael Schachter\u2019s new piece for pianist
Aaron Diehl<\/a> will be \u00adwritten for orchestra, chamber orchestra, and big band. At once temporal and ethereal \u2014 deliberate in touch and texture \u2014 Aaron Diehl’s expression transforms the piano into an orchestral vessel in the spirit of beloved predecessors Ahmad Jamal, Erroll Garner, Art Tatum and Jelly Roll Morton. \u201cDiehl proved an ideal interpreter for this music, rattling off the technical demands without fear and investing the concerto\u2019s melodic strains with expressive delicacy” San Francisco Chronicle<\/em>.
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Conrad Tao <\/strong>
Conrad Tao<\/a> is writing a companion piece to Rhapsody in Blue<\/em> with instrumentation that will be the same as the original jazz band version. The new work premieres with the Santa Rosa Symphony in May 2024. Conrad Tao has appeared worldwide as a pianist and composer and has been dubbed \u201cthe kind of musician who is shaping the future of classical music\u201d by New York<\/em> Magazine. As a composer, his work has been performed by orchestras globally; his first large scale orchestral work, Everything Must Go<\/em>, received its world premiere with the New York Philharmonic.
\n*0.1.2(2.bcl).2asax(1.ssax, 2.barsax).tsax(Ebcl).0-, cym, turkish cym, bells, gong, s.d, b.d)-banjo.cel.orchestral pno-violins
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Conrad Tao & Caleb Teicher: Counterpoint<\/strong>
\nCounterpoint<\/em> is a collaboration between pianist and \u00adcomposer
Conrad Tao<\/a> and \u00adchoreographer and \u00addancer Caleb Teicher<\/a>. The duo explore the dichotomy of their \u00addifferent perspectives and \u00adartistic practices.Harmonic, rhythmic, and theatrical \u00adcounterpoint between the \u00adartists seeks to map out \u00adconstellations linking their \u00addisparate traditions, driving the \u00adimagination and \u00adopening the heart. The \u00adstylistically diverse music of Counterpoint includes the Aria from Bach\u2019s \u00adGoldberg Variation<\/em>s, Art Tatum\u2019s demented stride piano, Arnold Schoenberg\u2019s ironic take on the \u00adViennese waltz, a delicate miniature from Tao and Teicher\u2019s More Forever<\/em>, and threading it all \u00adtogether, a work that \u00adbridges traditions, approaches, and styles\u2014Gershwin\u2019s \u00adRhapsody in Blue<\/em>. Tao and \u00adTeicher\u2019s earlier work, More Forever<\/em>, is a Bessie Award-winning, New York Times<\/em> \u00adcritic\u2019s pick which was lauded for \u201cconstantly extending the sonic aspects of dance.\u201d
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Teddy Abrams & Morgan James<\/strong>
\nS\u2019Wonderful: The Music of George Gershwin<\/strong>
\nConductor, pianist, and Music Director
Teddy Abrams<\/a>, “an unstoppable force” (Arts Louisville<\/em>), continues his sweeping collaboration with vocalist Morgan James, “a phenomenal talent…” (The New York Times<\/em>). Along with Rhapsody In Blue, S\u2019Wonderful: The Music of George Gershwin<\/em> is a program for orchestra that includes other favorites from Porgy & Bess, Girl Crazy, Strike Up The Band<\/em>, and more.
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The Knights: The Rhapsody Project<\/strong>
\nRhapsody<\/em> is
The Knights<\/a>\u2019 new, multi-year initiative that comprises commissions, performances, recordings, and educational initiatives, inspired by the example of George Gershwin\u2019s Rhapsody in Blue<\/em> and its upcoming centennial in 2024. Gershwin’s strikingly original and imaginative work, combining influences from jazz and classical music, came to embody the cultural zeitgeist of the Roaring Twenties. Through this project, The Knights will explore our current cultural moment in collaboration with some of today\u2019s most animating cultural voices.<\/p>\n

Over the next three years, The Knights will present a series of commissions and collaborations with a diverse group of composers and guest soloists who connect classical music with other musical traditions, and who are committed to using their art to explore and redefine today’s classical music landscape. Confirmed participants include Chris Thile, Jessie Montgomery, Gabriel Kahane, Du Yun, Aaron Diehl, Anthony McGill, Wu Man, Kayhan Kalhor, Allison Loggins-Hull, Michael Schachter, and Brooklyn Youth Chorus, with many more to be announced as the project unfolds.<\/p>\n

In addition to highlighting The Knights’ genre-blurring programming and virtuosic musicianship, Rhapsody<\/em> will feature performances throughout New York City, across the country, and around the world, and it will include integrated educational components in partnership with youth orchestras, colleges and universities, young composers, and music students of all ages.<\/p>\n

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\nInon Barnatan
\nJanice Carissa
\nGeorge Li
\nAnne-Marie McDermott
\nDrew Petersen
\nConrad Tao
\n*BA-Find Your Booking Agent<\/p>\n


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NEW WORKS & ARRANGEMENTS B\u00e9la Fleck American banjo master and pioneer B\u00e9la Fleck has transcribed Rhapsody in Blue, featuring his banjo as the solo instrument with orchestra. One of B\u00e9la\u2019s first experiences playing in an orchestra, as a student, was playing the banjo as a rhythm part in Rhapsody, so he is thrilled to explore … Continued<\/a><\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":2,"featured_media":11579,"parent":0,"menu_order":0,"comment_status":"closed","ping_status":"closed","template":"","meta":{"_acf_changed":false,"footnotes":""},"acf":[],"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/www.opus3artists.com\/api\/wp\/v2\/pages\/11578"}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/www.opus3artists.com\/api\/wp\/v2\/pages"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/www.opus3artists.com\/api\/wp\/v2\/types\/page"}],"author":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/www.opus3artists.com\/api\/wp\/v2\/users\/2"}],"replies":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/www.opus3artists.com\/api\/wp\/v2\/comments?post=11578"}],"version-history":[{"count":11,"href":"https:\/\/www.opus3artists.com\/api\/wp\/v2\/pages\/11578\/revisions"}],"predecessor-version":[{"id":11663,"href":"https:\/\/www.opus3artists.com\/api\/wp\/v2\/pages\/11578\/revisions\/11663"}],"wp:featuredmedia":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/www.opus3artists.com\/api\/wp\/v2\/media\/11579"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/www.opus3artists.com\/api\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=11578"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}